Meet Glenda Roberts

I’m a corporate VP and certified career coach who started her career with a demotion, discovered game-changing career strategies, and became a multi-six-figure earner as a senior leader in just 6 years. Now I teach career women to do the same.

Beyond that…

I’m a wife to an amazing husband, mom to a beautiful baby girl, and I’m passionate about closing the knowledge gap that perpetuates wealth and leadership disparities among Black professional women in the workforce. 

I created The Biz Slayer, LLC because I know what it’s like to be underpaid, undervalued, and unfulfilled in my career.  

I work with women like you! Women who KNOW there are skills, talents, and abilities on the inside of you and who need the RIGHT strengthening, RIGHT strategies, and RIGHT support to get you to your next level!

Join me for career mentorship that will help you identify your elite skills, discover your true value, and attract high-paying career opportunities!